Caws Cenarth (2020)

Caws Cenart 1.png
Caws Cenart 2.png

Caws Cenart (2020)

Covid-19 has affected millions and has disrupted the world like nothing before. And although its brought about a lot of issues, we found it wasn’t all bad. The Corona Virus showed Caws Cenarth that humanity was there to support them when they were at the weakest.


Director - Ross Anderson

DoP - Sam Meyer

Producer - Samin Saadat

Exec Producers - Ross Anderson & Owen Davies

Sound Recording & Design - Sam Walker

Focus Puller - Henry Owen

Music Composer - Ed Shipley

Editor - Tom Linton

Grade - Dan Carney

The producers would like to also thank:

Paul Sargeant, Steve Doran, Procam, Coda Post Production

